

UPDATE: 10/12/2010 "WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH THE (proposed) Liberty quarry project?"

In September, 2010, the City of Temecula was successful in annexing 4500 acres of land which primarily includes the Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve owned by SDSU. This excludes the proposed quarry site.

The Draft Environmental Impact Report ( DEIR ) was returned to the Riverside County Planning group (from Granite Construction’s Consultants who answered more than 12,000 comments) several months ago for review. It IS possible that the DEIR could be returned to these consultants for clarification, or that the DEIR could be recirculated.

Once the Planning Department has “certified” the DEIR, it becomes an “Environmental Impact Report’ ( EIR ) . It will, then, be given to the Riverside Planning Commission to review. They will, then, call a public meeting to hear questions and comments.

The Planning Commission will send the EIR to the Riverside County Supervisors, with a recommendation, to review. When they are ready, they will call for a Public meeting to hear comments and questions. This meeting is where the Supervisors will vote on the Liberty quarry project.

This is the meeting where people need to show up by the thousands….this meeting will decide the “fate” of all the surrounding cities and communities.

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