SUNDAY, JAN. 15TH, 2012 (14-18 Y/O'S)
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26TH, 2012 (11-13 Y/O'S)
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26TH, 2012 (11-13 Y/O'S)
We will prepare your teen with lessons they will use the rest of their lives.
They will learn how to proceed with confidence in any social or dining situation.
Topics Covered: (Below is for upper teen class)
General Social Guidelines
- Rules of Introduction
- Handshakes and Eye Contac
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Body Language
- Six Reasons To Improve Your Body Language
- Ways To Improve Your Body Language
- Sitting, Standing, Walking
Communication Skills
- Do Nots & Habits That Detract
- Cell Phone Etiquette
- Remembering Names
- Public Speaking Tips
- The “One Minute Speech”
Job Interview Skills
- Resumé Writing For Teens
- Sample Resumé
- Job And College Interviews
- Making A Good Impression During Interviews
- Interview Attire
- 7 Steps To Independence
- Performing Well
- Creating A Desirable Image
- They Are Leaders
- Characteristics That Inspire Trust
- Business Interviews (What Certain Employers Expect)
Dining Etiquette
- Set Your Place
- Dining Utensils
- Napkin Etiquette
- American & Continental Style Dining
- Silent Service Code (Cutting, Resting, & Closed Position)
- Diagram for Five Course Dinne
- Finger Bowl
- Diagram for Eight Course Dinner
- The Finger Bowl
- Brief Pointers On Table Manners
- Table Talk
- Toasting and Tipping
- Four Course Dining Tutorial Served
- Certificate of Completion, Take Home Study Guide and Graduate Photo included.