
Pala Raceway Summary of Actions

Tom Casey and Eli Vedagiri met with Chuck Perrault (new owner of Pala Raceway) and Pala Tribe Representatives Shasta Goughen and Frank Spurgeon on Friday, April 9th to discuss what steps would be taken to mitigate the noise nuisance created by Pala Raceway. 

The following is a summary of actions to be taken and the timeline agreed upon in the meeting:
1.      The Pala Environmental Department will be enforcing the 96 decibel limit on all vehicles operating at the Pala Raceway.
2.      Noise monitoring equipment will be installed to detect vehicles that are operating over the 96 decibel limit.
3.      Suggested equipment includes self-contained monitors that can be positioned in various places around the raceway, and that are equipped with an electronic system that notifies both the rider and the raceway staff if a vehicle is in violation. Riders will be flagged off the track in the case of a violation so that modifications can be made to bring their vehicles into compliance. Further, the noise measuring equipment may be connected to a computer or handheld device application that tracks and records the noise level. Pala ED staff will be able to remotely access the noise data to monitor the raceway for compliance and to alert raceway staff if a rider needs to be removed from the track for noncompliance. Local residents who are concerned about noise on any particular day will be able to contact the Pala ED and request that staff check the monitors and report the current noise levels.
4.      Pala ED staff will research the equipment options and make recommendations within 30 days (by April 9). The equipment will be installed and in use within 45 days (by April 26). Full installation and compliance monitoring will be underway within 60 days (by May 9). Noise reductions should be happening before the 60 day target, but the 30-45-60 day plan allows for proper placement of the equipment, testing, and training to make sure maximum noise reduction results are achieved by the end of 60 days.
5.      The Pala Raceway ownership may wish to explore other methods of noise mitigation, such as sound-absorbing fencing, for special events where noise might be expected to exceed the usual limits. The Raceway will inform the community in advance when special events are scheduled so that residents will be aware that there may be atypical noise levels for that event. At this point, extra mitigation measures will not be required but may be considered.

Thanks to all who have facilitated the community reaching this point of agreement and potential resolution with Pala Raceway. 

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