
RPG Agenda_March 2013


A San Diego County Heritage Community Since 1880
Keeping Rainbow Rural
Advising the Board of Supervisors ~ San Diego County

Notice of Meeting

Wednesday, March 20, 2013 at 7:00 PM at the Rainbow Grange

If there are any changes an updated version will be posted at the Grange Hall at least 72 hours prior to this meeting.

I.     Call to order and Pledge Allegiance Gary T. Drake, Chairperson

II.     Call for a Quorum

III.   Approval of Previous Regular Meeting Minutes

IV.    Open Forum: Opportunity for the public to speak on items not on the agenda.
Each speaker is limited to 5 minutes. Speakers should address community land use issues.

VCommittee Comments:  Comments are limited to the parameters of the Brown Act.

VI.    County Action Items:
·    Correspondence
a.   None of significance to Rainbow
·    Board of Supervisors Actions
a.   None of significance to Rainbow

VII.    Old Business and Reports
·    I-15 Advisory Committee status report- Crocker
·    Pala Raceway noise pollution status report- Swanson
·    Playground and Park cover grant status report- Bonner
·    Gregory Canyon Dump Status Update

VIII. New Business
·    Status of  LED billboard signage
·    Vacant seats on committee

IX.    Call for April 17, 2013 agenda items

X.    Adjournment until April 17, 2013


House cleaning

 House cleaning...call Erika 760-419-9676


New Barn Owl in Jim's Owl Box

After about a year with a vacant barn owl box we have new tenants.
Hopefully this year bees won't chase the owls away as they did last year.
Last year, after we evicted the bees, we sprinkled the box with Sevin dust, which is toxic to insects but not to birds.
The owls have been with us since at least Sunday March 3 when we last turned on the camera.
We have not yet been able to see eggs, probably because Mama Owl sits on them constantly.
Papa owl spends a lot more time in the box with Mama than last year's Papa did. He is a good Papa.


John Deer Gator/Ackerstone Paver Tiles For Sale

Selling 2002 John Deere gator. Diesel, 4x6, hydraulic dump bed, head lights, 250 hours on engine.  Has new battery.  $5200.00
Also 6+ pallets of Ackerstone pavers.  terra cotta brown and sandstone colors.  Some are 60mm and 80mm.  $1300.00 for all.  You have to move them. 
If you are interested please call 760-731-3138 thank you