

Dear Fellow RMWD Ratepayer,

As you are aware, there has been an application filed with the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) by the Fallbrook Public Utilities District (FPUD) to takeover and dissolve the Rainbow Municipal Water District (RMWD).  The Board of Directors of RMWD considers this action a hostile maneuver and believe it could be seriously detrimental to the RMWD ratepayers.  As a fellow ratepayer, I am asking for your assistance and support.
Please voice your concerns in an email addressed to: mike.ott@sdcounty.ca.gov not later than Thursday, July 31, 2014.  Mr. Ott serves as the Executive Officer of LAFCO and is the “gatekeeper” of the application process.   In your email please indicate your ratepayer status, i.e. domestic or ag and state your concerns, i.e. financial management, district management, electoral process, rates, etc.  YOUR VOICE IS VERY IMPORTANT AND WILL HAVE AN IMPACT!!!!  Encourage your neighbors to do the same thing.  THIS IS A VERY SERIOUS MATTER!! Your future water rates could depend on the outcome.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss this “hostile event” in detail.  Thank you for your efforts and support.

Dennis A. Sanford
714-299-9865 Cell

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