
Ca. Public Utilities Notice of Prearation

Rainbow Community Planning Group,

You very well may have received a communication directly from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) regarding their Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an EIR on SDG&E’s proposed Pipeline Safety & Reliability Project (PSRP) when they issued it last week.  In case the notice did not reach you directly, I wanted to send you a courtesy notice to share the information with you.

The NOP initiates a public comment period from May 9 through June 12, during which the CPUC is soliciting comments on the potential effects of the proposed project, the scope of the EIR, and the issues and alternatives to evaluate in the EIR.  The CPUC will hold three public meetings May 23-25 in Fallbrook, Escondido and Scripps Ranch (times and locations below).  Attached is a copy of the NOP, as well as the legal notice and postcard that was mailed by CPUC.  The NOP and additional information are available on the CPUC’s website at http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/Environment/info/ene/sandiego/sandiego.html

Please note that although the route proposed by SDG&E may not be located in your area, the CPUC, based on its environmental review process and public input, will ultimately determine where the project should be located.


Tuesday, May 232:00-4:00 p.m. and 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Pala Mesa Resort, Ballroom
2001 Old Highway 395
Fallbrook, CA 92028

WednesdayMay 242:00-4:00 p.m. and 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Park Avenue Community Center, Auditorium
210 E. Park Avenue
Escondido, CA 92025

ThursdayMay 252:00-4:00 p.m. and 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Alliant International University, San Diego Campus, Green Hall
10455 Pomerado Road
San Diego, CA 92131

Welcome to the Rainbow Community Blogger!

I created this site about 8 or 9 years ago for the purpose of helping us stay informed of meetings, fires, lost animals, urgent phone numbers, events, etc.

At times, I have been inactive on the site for a number of reasons but with the increasing chatter over traffic issues in Rainbow - and not everyone being on Social Media - I've refreshed the site to, hopefully, be easier to navigate and helpful to the Rainbow residents.

Please check if you have previous posts, website links, etc. in here and advise me as to any revisions or updates to them.

Feel free to contact me to add information of interest.


Jonnie Fox Flanagan
Blog Admin


To submit, revise, or remove information for the Rainbow Blog, please contact:

Jonnie Fox

Please revisit your post information occasionally to update as needed.

Rice Canyon Traffic - Union Tribune Article

http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-rice-canyon-route-in-rainbow-under-scrutiny-2007mar23-story.htmlRice Canyon Road Under Scrutiny


Rainbow Planning Group Meeting_May 16th, 2017

Advising the Board of Supervisors ~ San Diego County Notice of Meeting Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 6:30 PM at Vallecitos Elementary School District Board Room If there are any changes, an updated version will be posted at the meeting place at least 72 hours prior to this meeting. I. Open Provisions a. Call to order b. Pledge of Allegiance c. Attendance/Roll call/Call for Quorum II. Approval of the Agenda III. Public Comments a. Open Forum: Opportunity for the public to speak on items not on the agenda, but within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Planning Group. Each speaker is limited to 5 minutes. Group members are prohibited from discussing or responding to public comments related to non-agenda items in the Open Forum. IV. Consolidated Motion a. Request to approve prior meeting minutes. V. County Action Items: a. Annual Planning/Sponsor Group Training Reminder b. County General Plan Progress Report c. DPW Road Resurfacing Project Priority List VI. Old Business and Reports a. Proposed High Tension Power Lines in Rainbow -- Darnley b. Roads and traffic status – Kurland c. I-15 Design Review Advisory Board- Crocker d. Water and Environmental Issues Report- Tom Kennedy e. ARC Update & Community News – Georgantas VII. New Business a) CPUC Request for Comments Regarding New Natural Gas Line 3602 and De-rating Line 1600 b) Request for CSA 81 Financial Accounting Related to Rainbow Park c) Possible New Wedding Venue on Rainbow Heights VIII. Call for June 21, 2017 agenda items IX. Adjournment until June 21, 2017



Hello Rainbow neighbors and friends,

As you know, I decided to let the blog basically become inactive and relied on everyone joining the "Nextdoor" Neighborhood site for Rainbow "Nextdoor Rainbow". That has not been wildly successful either since many of you did not want to join. So....I am re-activating the blog and will be somewhat active as it still has many valuable links and info.  I will need to comb through it as time permits and delete outdated info so...please help me do that if you recognize any old posts for sale items, business revisions, etc.

I am doing this at this time mostly due to the grave concern we all have regarding the traffic issue, but also because it seems so many have missed the blog that I started almost 12 years ago.

We all seem to find a way to 'get the message out' when a fire hits or a dog is lost - whether via FB or an email blast - and that will probably still be the case for urgent information.

This site still serves as a place to check back and follow a situation, i.e.,  the landfill, or the raceway, and now...the traffic issue.

Again I implore you, PLEASE, no political rants, opinions, venting, complaining...I will not post it. We get nowhere with blame and acrimony.  Solutions only come with action and involvement.  Sometimes some of us can do a lot...other times we can do little....our lives change and evolve and dictate what/when/where/how we can help so THANK YOU for whatever positive contributions you can make in keeping Rainbow rural, safe, beautiful, and our 'happy place'. :-)